Hello! I think the birth of my blog and the celebration of the birth of our country is somehow appropriate. Don't ask me why, maybe I just want an easy way to remember the blogiversary.
I, first of all and most importantly, want to thank Mandy at
Beads for Brains.com for this blog. Mandy took my waffling, wobbling and wavering about starting this and ran with it. She said she'd set it up and did it so well! What a great friend is that! I'm hoping I can carry on now without having to call for help every 5 minutes. And what a great blog she has -- I can't even imagine doing what she's doing -- very impressive!
Second, I have to say that if there's such a thing as a dedication on a blog as in books, I would dedicate this to my family. I have an amazing husband who is supp

ortive beyond belief. And he wears the hats of chef, physical therapist, chief cheerer-upper and taxi driver with such good grace and always, always humor. I don't know how I got so lucky. And the rest of the clan? One daughter, SIL and grandgirl (age 20 months, the most amazing Ruby) live in LA;

other daughter and grandgirl (the equally amazing 4 1/2 year old River) live in Berkeley. I am not sure I remember how

it came to be that we would live in Houston and our family so far away, but I
am sure it's not ideal. There will be photos from time to time of the grandgirls. I can't help myself on that score: they are the joys and delights of our lives.
Jewelry: Well, yes, there is that. Or, at least, I hope there will be. The title of this blog was chosen after my long indecision because my daughter believes that "Wild Sally Road" will help me stretch creatively in a way that "Sally Anderson Beads" (or something similar) would not. I hope she's right and because I suspect she is, that's the title! Thank you to my sister-friend Judy for finding the road sign in the first place and for the photos of it.
One of the best reasons for having a blog, for me at least, is Lori Anderson's
Bead Soup Blog Party. After reading about this and being a spectator, I can finally be a participant. I'm very excited about that as I just loved seeing what everyone did in the past.
Finally, thanks to Lori Anderson (
Pretty Things), Cindy (
Sweet Bead Studio), Donna (
Soaking in Mustard) and, of course, Mandy (
Beads for Brains) for following this blog before there was even a blog. I am so grateful to you for that show of encouragement! Thank you.
Break a bottle of champagne over this blog and call it launched! Hooray!