Monday, August 22, 2011

Monday Wish List

It's Monday. Wish day, thanks to Amy at Copper Diem.
I would love some of these beads. Ok, not some, ALL of them. The colors... the textures... the shapes. Just beautiful.

Julie Picarello is an amazing polymer artist. Look at her beads.

Look here: (sorry, flickr doesn't let you copy photos)

or here:

Julie's website is here.

That's all I want today. Well, except for world peas and all that. You know...


  1. those beads are amazing! love them!

  2. Your next project Sally, polymer!

  3. Wow, Julie's beads are amazing - such detail! And I agree with Mandy...maybe polymer clay will be next! You could come take Christine Damm's class at ArtBLISS and we could meet next month! :-)

    One of these days I'll be organized and participate in Wishlist Monday! :-)

  4. Love her beads. As I viewed her website I found myself unconsciously smiling, her polymer creations are so pretty, colorful, whimsical and absolutely enchanting.
