Monday, September 12, 2011

Monday Wish List

Wish List for today:

Well, it's Monday again. How did that happen so soon? Wasn't yesterday Monday? No. Okay. If you say so. But with Monday comes Copper Diem's Wish List. Here's my contribution.

Alicia's Beads has these great polymer beads in wonderful colors. Here's a sample:

BeadSwede Supplies has some really cool toggles. I love the enamel ones and the S-clasps with different wire wraps. Very cool and colorful!

I'm not usually one for heart-shaped anything or pink for that matter. But I'm working on a project for my friend Teena who has cancer and this toggle is going in my shopping cart! I hope it's the right color of pink.

And finally:

And, being the greedy girl that I must be (see above), these are patterns and jewelry from Mikki Ferrugiaro, one of the wonderful Bead Mavens. I love her work but can't afford her patterns right now.

One of these Mondays I'm going to post jewelry that I love by all the talented jewelry artists out there (e.g., Lori Anderson, Nancy Dale, Mandy Duffy, Amy Freeland, Shirley Moore, Kristen Stevens, and Cindy Wimmer to name a just a few), although I don't know how I'll ever pick just a blog post's worth of samples. I have lust in my heart for so many of the things these amazing women have created!!


  1. Beautiful wish list Sally. In my opinion I think that color pink is the correct color. Are you going to post a picture of the bracelet when you are finished? I'm sure we all would love to see it.
    I have a long list of artist that I admire also, it would take 4 months of Mondays to showcase them all!

  2. Thanks so much, Sally, I'm so glad you enjoy my pieces!! Mikki's work is astounding, isn't it?? She'll be so pleased to have been featured in your blog!!! :)

  3. Aww...thanks so much Sally, I'm glad you enjoy my designs. Did just want to mention that most of my tutorials are on the high end price-wise because they are commercial editions but if you only want my patterns for personal use (not to sell) I have a 'Personal Use Contract Club...PUCC' where you just sign a contract promising only to use my work for yourself (or to give as gifts) and you get 40% off the commercial pricing :) Thanks for the plug..a thankyou will be winging it's way to you :)

  4. I was so pleased you featured my clasps in your blog!!Thanks so much, and I would love to see a pic of the bracelet when you're finished. Thanks again, Kristen

  5. those were great finds! the sellers were new to me, so now i have new shops to check out! thanks!! and thanks for the compliment :)

  6. You're absolutely right that there are so many talented artisans out there. The colors are just lovely.

  7. Hi Sally...whew! I'm so glad I'm able to post a comment...for some reason I never could on your last blog post. :-( What a great wishlist line up!! I love it when bloggers share their finds. So many incredible artists out there for me to discover. I do like that heart toggle too and like Theresa mentioned, I hope you share your finished piece. :-)

  8. Love the polymer beads. I've added them to my wish list. Thanks for sharing all the wonderful links!
