Monday, January 9, 2012

Word Cloud

Have you seen these cool word clouds? I spent my working years in the publishing business. I love typography and words (I have been known to read the dictionary). I am hooked on Words with Friends on my iPhone (anyone want to play with me?).  So I love these word clouds and now I love that I can make my own so easily. Here's one based on my  blog.

 It seems only right and natural that Beads is prominent but I'm pretty sure I never wrote anything with "eeeeee" or "tabs-inner."  So I don't know where the words come from exactly but it's pretty cool to do.

I made one for Brooke's blog (my daughter), too. She's at whimsyvalentine.com Her word cloud is:

 I love this one, too! What fun to play with this cool software.  It's here.  You can go make your own.


  1. Sally, I love, love, love word clouds! I have been trying to incorporate them into several work projects.

    I especially like them as a journalistic tool--like when the Washington Post does one compiling the words the public uses to describe candidates, etc., or analyzing the content of someone's speeches. Very telling.

  2. P.S. The Blogger gadget menu has word cloud widgets you can add to your blog template, if you wanted to install one as a permanent feature.

  3. Oh, how cool is that! I love words, and my kids are always laughing at me stealing their Ipods to play Scramble. (Kinda like Boggle and scrabble mixed together). Gonna go check that out...

  4. Hi Sally! Your word cloud came out great. Kinda funny about the "eeeee"...hmm, wonder where those came from. I haven't made a word cloud in a while...I think I used a site called Wordle last.

  5. I'm with you Sally, loving letters and words forever! I'll try this out afte I get some of my other "work" done in the studio.
    Thanks for sharing & (hugs)

  6. That's so cool... I'd spend hours trying to make something like! Love that it does it automatically.

  7. Yes, I love those word clouds. I used something similar to add to my Twitter background.
